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By opening a trading account with Standard Investment you will be able to trade Mongolian Stock Exchange(MSE) listed stocks and bonds. Standard Investment offers investors tailored advice on how to achieve a well-diversified portfolio with exposure to Mongolia. We strive to make investing in Mongolia as fast and simple as possible by offering you the following advantages:


  • Efficient and reliable trading 
  • Customer service at an international standard
  • Tailored advice and information about securities 
  • Low commission fee


Investing in Mongolia can be challenging, but potentially rewarding with growing stocks and high yield bonds. MSE was the best performing stock exchange in 2010 with a 136% growth of the MSE20 index. In 2011 the MSE20 grew 46.94% despite global markets rundown and was second only after Venezuela. As of bonds, in 2011, a one year Mongolian Government bond’s average coupon rate was more than 7%.
